Adelaide Fringe. Prospect Productions. Holden Street Theatres/Domain Theatre, Marion. 28 Feb 2025
"Old is the new black”, they tout in their Fringe program.
Yes, it is. It’s not so much chic to be old as it is inevitable and everyone is headed in the same direction, so let’s make it fun.
It is not the first time that smart and sassy senior Maureen Sherlock has snaffled the golden years for a spot of fun and games. ’Twas she behind Alzheimers the Musical: A Night to Remember. And her mind garden of gags and send-ups is still a seething bed of fecundity. The funnies and sillies don’t stop through this new confection of elderly jests.
Four seasoned all-rounder actors people the stage: Maureen Sherlock, Sue Wylie, Kathryn Fisher, and Rose Vallen. They embody neighbours and a newbie in the retirement world, each with their peculiarities.
Slide projections reveal that they dwell in Paradise Park, a stereotypical retirement village which is trying to move with the times. To that end, community activities are adopting woke titles and volunteerism is a big thing.
The show opens with a great big full cast number, "YOLO - You Only Live Once". Of course, the lyrics are funny but then again, the message is not. Indeed, the message of the show is that one must laugh while one can. And Maureen Sherlock will help you do it.
The production is in revue format, a series of skits and songs with Paul Brokensha onstage on keyboard, and like any revue, there are changes in pace with outright, unambiguous humour coming way out on top but also some slow and wistful moments. Generally, it is compassionately observed. One can make fun of shortcomings and suffering but in the end of the day, they are not fun. Sherlock laughs with them, not at them. But she certainly doesn’t hold back. If there is an edge, she takes the mischief right there. Her frolic of the ancients features punny songs like “A Little Help from Depends” and a great love song, “Voltaren”. They keep coming.
Indeed, astutely directed by Rob George, there’s a fast-paced hour of them. Piece de resistance is “I’ve Had Everything” sung to the tune of “I've Been Everywhere” and listing every “-itis” known to medicine and then a mass more. It’s all very clever and hilariously delivered.
Fab cast, fab fun. You can be ageist if you are old.
Maureen Sherlock is without doubt doyen of the zany oldies genre; lovely, quirky, naughty humour. The balloon reproduction lesson is a hoot. And so are the promo ads onscreen.
But, that’s enough spoilers. Beg and bribe for tickets. The houses are selling out in a screaming hurry.
Samela Harris
When: 28 Feb to 9 Mar
Where: Holden Street Theatres/Domain Theatre, Marion
Bookings: adelaidefringe.com.au