Adelaide Fringe. The Kingfisher at Gluttony. 21 Mar 2025
TOD Talks is an improvised bunch of TED-style talks by five comedians taking the opportunity to cross market their own shows. They are dealt audience-generated topics and slides they’ve never seen. The results were scored by the audience, and they pretty well got it right. That is, they agreed with me.
A vivacious female mixed absurdity with flirting - a winning combination. The better comics sustain interest for their whole 10 minutes with wit and creativity, while others encounter the occasional comic headwinds. They are all crazy brave. Although nobody was at a loss for words, your money is better spent elsewhere. But that was my night, yours will always be different with different comics.
David Grybowski
When: 18 to 23 Mar
Where: The Kingfisher at Gluttony