Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang adelaide fringe 2023

Adelaide Fringe. Adelaide Theatre Academy. Norwood Concert Hall 4 Mar 2023


Who knew that on a theatre-school budget, a company could turn on an extremely acceptable production of a blockbuster musical?  Lucky old Fringe audiences.  Using young student talent as an ensemble and some well-trained performers as the principals, along with lots of rehearsing and some really good talent in the workshop, it has a young people’s hit on its hands. 


Yes, that serenaded car comes up trumps as the official star of the Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman musical inspired by Ian Fleming and, with the MGM film out there and lots of big budget theatre shows, it's a big call to compete. But compete the Adelaide Theatre Academy does and succeed they do, too, thanks to the skills of one Kim Wilson in creating that magical car itself.


The production’s other secret weapon is its well-chosen background video projections which not only put scenes into context but bring them to life. From the word “go”, they are classy, well-co-ordinated and effective.


As for the cast, director Georgia Brass has gathered some impressive seniors to carry the show and surrounded them with a bevy of beautifully-costumed and well-disciplined Theatre Bugs children.


Ethan Joy is a gentle charmer as Caractacus Potts, the eccentric inventor dad who builds that remarkable flying car. Amber Fibrosi, with a clear soprano voice, partners very nicely as Truly Scrumptious and Jayden Ayling is simply outstanding as the pukka granddad. Emma Palumbo and Jenna Saint ham it up a treat as the wicked clowns Boris and Goran - to the vast amusement of children in the audience.  James Pearce and Vasileia Markou, along with Lachlan Anderson are among the many who merit mention in this joyfully ambitious show, never to forget the two youngies who are the catalyst for the plot. Elliot Purdie and Amelia Lees are most endearing in the roles of the Potts children.


Annoyingly summoned away, this critic did not see the end of the performance but praises it confidently in knowledge of the discipline, hard work, and expertise of the Adelaide Theatre Academy.


Samela Harris


When: 4 to 19 Mar

Where: Norwood Concert Hall
