Josh Glanc: Vrooom Vrooom

Josh Glanc adelaide fringe 2022★★★★★

Pietagogetter. Gluttony – Rymill Park – The Bally. 25 Feb 2022


Josh Glanc, the vendor at the game, calls out chips, potato cakes, dim sim, sausage rolls – he discovers the rhythm and turns it into a song. This is how the hour goes; the ordinary is topsy-turvied into the funny. Finally on stage, he sets up his table of prop curiosities and works his way through a comic agenda. Glanc’s a quadruple threat – actor, singer, dancer (well, he moves the hips pretty well), and plays guitar. And you are caught in his magnetic field watching with anticipation how he will transform the mundane into mirth.


His humour is zany, droll and absurd. It’s situational comedy, Glanc isn’t a gag artist or raconteur. Whether he takes on the personae of a truck driver or a woman or child, he performs who he is being, and can change that in a blink. You have to be different to win two Best Comedy weekly awards in former fringes.


Glanc finishes off with his most complete song and one everybody relates to – searching for the lost file on the computer. The frustration grows with each step in the process, the steam rises from the collar and the eyes widen with rage. A great ending to a great show! Bravo!


PS Bare hairy chest and Harley not included.


PPS This is his last weekend and the Bally is tiny. My Friday night show was a sell-out. Book ASAP.


David Grybowski


When: 18 to 27 Feb 2022

Where: Gluttony – Rymill Park – The Bally
