Electric Dreams: VR Swings “Volo: Dreams of Flight”

electric dreams vr swings volvo dreams of flight 2022

Electric Dreams. SA Museum Front Lawns. 19 Feb 2022


Producer Electric Dreams from Britain creates dynamic amusements using interactive virtual reality (VR) technology originated by London’s StudioGoGo. There are a number of VR shows at the Fringe and Electric Dreams is presenting two of them, as well as a day-long conference on immersive storytelling and a film with sonified data.


VR Swings “Volo: Dreams of Flight” is a swing park on the lawns of the SA Museum on North Terrace. On offer are four VR experiences, so I suppose you can see all four if you stump up $10 four times. The shows are thematically linked celebrating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches of aerial machines: Chute, Glider, Thopter and Copter. Your kids won’t care about that.


I was directed to a swing associated with one of the four visual experiences. Although publicity suggests I can make a choice, I was not offered a choice. A nice man helped me on with the eye-gear and I started swinging.


The first thing I noticed was that I don’t like swinging any more, but I give it a go, for my editor. I’m moving through space as abstracted trees and scenery of artificial colours rush past me then, whoosh! I have a stomach-dislocating rapid descent. You can hardly believe you are only on a swing! After a while, I noticed that the graphics are not fully developed and seem more like a sketch or an outline, and just aren’t very interesting.


In VR world, you are always moving forward, but a swing, of course, takes you alternatively forward and backward. My body and brain badly handled these two bits of conflicting information. I stopped swinging, but the VR stops moving, so that was no fun. Now I started dragging my feet on the ground, waiting for the whole thing to be over, like when you are on a bad weather cruise. Thankfully it ended after only 5 minutes as indicated in the printed Fringe program, and not the 15 minutes promised online. Yet, before I started, the eight-year-old girl next to me was swinging hammer and tong, maybe having the time of her life. Maybe she should have written the review.


David Grybowski


When: 19 Feb to 20 March

Where: SA Museum Front Lawns

Bookings: adelaidefringe.com.au