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Murray Bramwell

Murray is the Associate Professor of Drama at Finders University and has an MA Honours in English. Murray has been a theatre and music reviewer in Adelaide since 1985. Over that time he has written for numerous Australian publications ranging from The National Times, CentreStage, Lowdown, and Theatre Australia to The Advertiser, The Australian Financial Review, and now also The Barefoot Review.


A regular at Womadelaide, Murray has reviewed every year since 2005. Born in New Zealand, Murray completed his English degree there, before accepting a postgraduate scholarship at Flinders University in South Australia where he continues to teach today. Murray accepted the role of Associate Professor in 2006. A detailed archive of Murray's work can be found at www.murraybramwell.com

Murray can be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Murray is a member of the Adelaide Critics Circle.