
Celia Pacquola

celia pacquola Adelaide Fringe 2015 Let Me Know How It All Works Out. Token Events.  Garden of Unearthly Delights - Studio 7. 17 Feb 2015

If you are Celia Pacquola, reading this complimentary review may prove difficult.  Just for you though, I promise a satisfying ending.

If you go and see Pacquola perform her show in The Garden's 'Studio 7', the above paragraph will not only make sense, it will give you a good giggle.  

In a stream of comedy gold, 'Let Me Know How It All Works Out' reveals the comedienne's surprising weakness:  despite being intelligent, well-spoken and otherwise normal, Pacquola is addicted to psychics, palm-readers and all things foretelling.  She hates an unresolved ending, particularly her own, and her quest to know how it's all going to work out leads to a chance encounter with palm reader, Tony.  His casual revelation leads to a hilarious set of events.

Pacquola invites judgment, questions fate, and delivers retribution before wrapping it all up nicely in the end.  What more could you want? Bed impressions I hear you say?  It's got that too.

Her chilled-out style and refreshing honesty are endearing.  She quickly wins her crowd over, with the audience "heckling" cheers of encouragement and helpfully offering up Google search results on Pacquola's porn star doppelgänger.  It's a great way to spend a steamy summer evening.

Epilogue:  Twenty minutes after the show, Nicole ordered a veggie burger.  She is still laughing.

Nicole Russo

When: 17 Feb to 22 Feb
Where: Garden of Unearthly Delights - Studio 7